Manifest Your Year
A clearing, visioning, goal setting and manifesting party so you can set yourself up for success and manifest your thriving life in 2025
A clearing, visioning, goal setting and manifesting party so you can set yourself up for success and manifest your thriving life in 2025
Imagine it’s December 31st.
You’re snuggled up in your favorite chair, smiling as you flip through your journal. Each page a silent witness and cheerleader for the journey you went through this year: the challenges you overcame, the lessons you learned, the intentions you manifested and the success you’ve celebrated.
You place your hand on your heart and whisper a prayer, “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You feel so peaceful and fulfilled, not because the year was perfect and everything unfolded according to plan, but because you truly love and appreciate the life you created and who you’ve become.
This right here? This is my vision for you.
And in Manifest Your Year, I intend to walk you through how to set yourself up for success and make this vision come true.
If you’re like me, you’re probably done the whole gamut of personal development tools to create your best life: SMART goals, intention setting, visioning, manifesting.
And you’ve got the planners, journals and vision boards to prove it. IYKYK. 😉
You know they work because you’ve achieved some pretty amazing goals before.
In case there’s a little voice in your head telling you, “Well, not really…”
Hey, the past four years were no joke. And the fact that you’re here and ready to face the new year? That is pretty amazing.
Here’s the thing though: That magnificent brain of yours is hardwired to use your past to predict your future.
Which is cool if you’re used to living an amazing life and you want more of that amazingness. I love that for you.
But if what you’re envisioning for this year is a life beyond what you’ve experienced in your past, your brain will see that as a threat and do what it’s supposed to do:
Bring you back to the old familiar way you’ve always thought, felt and acted to keep you safe.
So no matter how much you consciously want to build better habits and change your life, you find yourself falling back into your comfort zone.
Here’s the key: You need to trade the “same old, same old” habits of thinking, feeling and doing that got you here for a new way of BEING that makes your vision not just possible but inevitable.
So here’s what we’re going to do in Manifest Your Year:
I call it a workshop but really, it’s more than that.
Consider it your clearing, visioning, goal setting, manifesting party for 2025.
Important things to note:
When you’re ready to intentionally create your life this year, this one’s for you. Click the button below to sign up.