Online Brand and WordPress Website Design VIP Days for Coaches
Hello, I’m Jayme!
The only way you could have reached this page is if you’ve been referred by a VIP client or you visited a VIP client’s website and clicked on the little heart at the footer.
Either way, thank you for being here and I’m glad our paths crossed.
I used to design brands and build WordPress websites for coaches (I started in 2010!) And as it turns out, I am more passionate about Human Design and have pivoted my business.
But once in awhile I accept VIP client referrals because they’ve been amazing to work with and if you found yourself here, I’m feeling you’re just as amazing, too.
So when you love my style and you want me to make some magic with your website, here are a few important things to know:
If all this sounds like a “body – mind – heart – soul YES!”, please share more about your business and your project vision using the form below.
After you send your discovery form, expect a reply from me within 24 hours to know when this project is a good fit.
Thank you for being here,