A 1:1 session to help you dream up your vision and manifest your intentions.
I used to set SMART goals and make resolutions each New Year, but often found myself staying in status quo or going back to old habits.
I’d either write down those goals again and resolve to do better next year, or I’ll get frustrated and give up and not set goals at all.
Until 2009, my world changed when I read “The Secret” and learned about manifesting.
On December 22nd that same year, I brought a pocket Moleskine notebook to a meetup with my closest friends and asked them to write their wishes for 2010.
Some of those wishes manifested, others haven’t.
But that initial success made it so evident for me how, even if we can’t control everything that happens in our life, it feels way better to have a purpose and direction each year.
Through the years I’ve synthesized everything I learned about intentions, goals and manifesting. And what started out as a simple notebook to write wishes on became a full blown vision book that I use to envision and create magic each year.
And I’d SO love for you to experience that magic, too.
When you’ve decided it’s time to intentionally steer your life and go for your goals, this co-dreaming session is made just for you.
When we don’t manifest our goals, it’s never because we can’t or we don’t deserve it.
Often it’s either because we are…
No matter how SMART your goals are or how many manifestation gurus tell you, all you need to do is “Ask. Believe. Receive.” results are not guaranteed.
But once you learn how to do it your way, manifesting your goals becomes highly likely. And sometimes, even easy.
The key? It’s not just about what you’re doing. It’s also about creating energetic alignment through what you’re thinking, feeling and, ultimately, who you’re BEING.
That’s why during the Intention to Inflow Co-Dreaming Session, I’ll guide you through an intentional goal mapping process so you can…
Once your payment is complete, you’ll automatically receive an email with your session details and a link to my virtual dream room.
First, we’ll do a tapping process to appreciate and release the past so you can feel free and clear to create your present vision.
Then you’ll choose one intentional goal you want to work on and we’ll go through the intentional goal mapping process.
In between, I’ll guide you through some change work and imaginative play exercises so you can gain the clarity, confidence and courage you need to manifest your intentions and goals.
You’ll receive a replay so you can go through the exercises again at your own pace.
I’m Jayme and I live for helping humans like you to create the life + work you love waking up to.
I love using the self-awareness tool called Human Design + neuroscience-backed change work tools to rewire your unconscious mind so you can get clear on what you want and BE the person who has it.
The visioning process for this session is my go – to practice at the end of each year that has helped me manifest my intentions in life, health, love and business.
I’d be more than happy to co-dream with you and help you manifest your goals, too.
1 x 60 – MINUTE CO-DREAMING SESSION where we get clear on your vision, shift any limiting thoughts and identify habits to help you take consistent action toward your goal.
RECORDING OF YOUR SESSIONS uploaded in your private client page so you can review and reflect on the insights you received at your own pace.
A PDF COPY OF YOUR SESSION NOTES, that you can use to implement the guidance from your session.